In the middle 1600’s, the name Della Pietra is first recorded in the marriage records of the son of Nicola Villae Petrae Constantinae.
His son Gaetano begins our tree with his father’s name Italianized.
Our tree takes an interesting turn in the late 1700's when Giuseppe, a son of the Della Pietra family, was registered as "LaPietra". Most of his offspring carried the La Pietra surname until the present day.
These separate trees then converged on November 18, 1933, when Giovina La Pietra married Francesco Paolo DellaPietra.
We've also included family trees of the Saccos and Nasutis - families that connect to us from marriages in the early 1900s.
These are the names of our ancestors who made our family’s history in the small city of Lanciano, Abruzzo. These people are our “roots”.